luckily I have you with me - 臭臭
Monday, May 20, 2013
Thursday, April 25, 2013
I'm so sleepy :(
No no no!!!
Treat myself a piece of mask and back with full energy. I know I'm gonna 乱来 if continue.
No no no!!!
Treat myself a piece of mask and back with full energy. I know I'm gonna 乱来 if continue.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Don't think about P6 if you've decided to tackle P7 now, you'll definitely do better if you think so. Pass a paper better than none, right?
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Thursday, April 18, 2013
LOVE by Olivia Ong
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you
Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you
Monday, April 8, 2013
Sweet pink border reminds me of the sweetness of our date. Can't wait for another date like this...
The boy has already asking for the restaurant again @.@ What AGAIN? hahaha
Obsess with my black cardigan recently, wore it almost for every occasion of mine.
Can't believe that my hair is naturally brown till I see this! Love it.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Tears drop when lil sister shows me the latest Whatsapps group discussion of Gan family. We all actually made a confession to our forth uncle in Sydney at the same time, to persuade him to come back and see the sick grandmother.
Many of the male relatives do not know the seriousness of granny's condition because they are not able to see her wound on the backside.
She is hospitalised again this morning due to high glucose level until it can not be read. Apart from that, the wound was infected causes her having fever.
I do not feel like letting my grandma leave previously but every time I see her suffer; moaning in pain when we help to change her diaper, I change my mind. I would rather let her leave than seeing her in pain now. It's really a knife-stabbing pain.
Relationship is not my concern now.
Many of the male relatives do not know the seriousness of granny's condition because they are not able to see her wound on the backside.
She is hospitalised again this morning due to high glucose level until it can not be read. Apart from that, the wound was infected causes her having fever.
I do not feel like letting my grandma leave previously but every time I see her suffer; moaning in pain when we help to change her diaper, I change my mind. I would rather let her leave than seeing her in pain now. It's really a knife-stabbing pain.
Relationship is not my concern now.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
I guess when talk about "turnover", it is about sales turnover. However, the detailed formula I'm not so sure yet. Let me google...
There are many types of turnover. To list a few: employee turnover, asset turnover and sales turnover. Of course the list is non-exhaustive.
Here comes the explanation from Wikipedia in Business context:
- Turnover is sometimes a synonym for revenue (or in certain contexts, sales), especially in European and South African usage
Services sold by a company during a particular period of time.
- Turnover is sometimes the name for a measure of how quickly inventory is sold (inventory turnover). A high turnover means that goods are sold quickly, while a low turnover means that goods are sold more slowly.
- Asset turnover is a financial ratio that measures the efficiency of a company's use of its assets in generating sales revenue or sales income to the company.[1]
- Turnover (employment), relative rate at which an employer gains and loses staff, especially in North American usage
- Customer turnover, the rate at which a business loses customers, sometimes called the churn
Thursday, March 21, 2013
I'm not sure if you have this kind of feeling before...
I find that at this level of studies (ACCA Professional level, optional module), there is no more root-learning (no more memorizing & vomit everything out on the exam writing script & pass no matter scoring or not).
The thing is my exam questions are very scenario-based. No matter how much I study, I still have to bring an empty mind into the exam hall and re-think the approach when I look into the exam questions.
It seems like not much I can prepare now, right? So bothering...
I find that at this level of studies (ACCA Professional level, optional module), there is no more root-learning (no more memorizing & vomit everything out on the exam writing script & pass no matter scoring or not).
The thing is my exam questions are very scenario-based. No matter how much I study, I still have to bring an empty mind into the exam hall and re-think the approach when I look into the exam questions.
It seems like not much I can prepare now, right? So bothering...
Due diligence refers to the process of systematically gathering sufficient appropriate evidence by the professional accountant for the purpose of allowing him/her to express a valid opinion on the subject matter in a given assignment.
'Due diligence', my obsession lately. Especially when the boyfriend told me his work is all about that.
P.S. I love you
Tell me if the definition above matches with your job scope?
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
I'm so boringgg...
Running out of ideas on what to blog BUT I wanted to blog so much!!!
Let's start a topic on what my boyfriend bought for me. It's quite an interesting topic, isn't it? I'm sure you want to know... (don't say NO)
#1 HELLO KITTY pencil case
This is my current using pencil case.
It's from Daiso. Knowing it from Daiso, sure know it is MYR 5.
Hey hey hey! Don't judge my boyfriend for present me cheap thing. You haven't see the real one I tell you.
This is what I drag him to buy me. My previous pencil case torn :(
Thank you hubby, I love it so much.
It's Sanrio Hello Kitty leh. MYR 5, cheap die la!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Who treat me best? 臭臭!Accompany me to sleep almost every night; use to wipe my tears when I cried. I'm so tired, hit the hay...
Monday, March 11, 2013
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
It's me!
Drop by to post my pictures in bigger piece so that I can enjoy looking at them in the future.
It's me!
Drop by to post my pictures in bigger piece so that I can enjoy looking at them in the future.
<3 p="">3>
Monday, March 4, 2013
1. Train using the most “bang for your buck,” multi-joint lifts like squats, deadlifts, bench press, chin-ups, and Olympic lifts.
2. Avoid isolation, single-joint lifts such as bicep or leg curls unless you have unlimited training time.
3. Use very short rest periods (10 to 60 seconds) to trigger the greatest growth hormone response.
4. Vary the tempo of lifting phases and rest periods to provide new stimulus for the body to adapt.
5. To get lean fast, use a hypertrophy-type protocol (8 to 12 reps, more than 3 sets, 70 to 85 percent 1RM load).
6. Use a longer time under tension to burn more energy and increase postexercise oxygen consumption—try a 4-second eccentric and 1-second concentric phase.
7. Train to create an anabolic response.Increasing growth hormone is the priority because of its significant lipolytic (fat burning) effects.
8. Perform circuit training with little rest between sets for maximal growth hormone response.
9. For gradual fat loss over a longer period, include strength cycles that favor testosterone release with heavier loads (up to 95 percent 1RM), slightly longer rest (2 to 3 minutes), and lots of sets.
10. Work harder. If you’re not getting results, you’re not working hard enough.
11. Give priority to training the anaerobic energy system over the aerobic system when strength training and conditioning.
12. Do high-intensity sprint intervals for conditioning. Two examples are 60 cycle sprints of 8 seconds each, 12 seconds rest; or 6 all-out 30-second running sprints on a track, 4 minutes rest.
13. Be as active as possible in daily life. Move more: Take regular brisk walks during the day, always take the stairs, park far away in any parking lot, or do your own yard work.
14. Do relaxing physical activity instead of sitting in front of a screen: yoga, stretching, foam rolling, martial arts, or walking mediation.
15. Eliminate all processed foods from your diet—don’t eat them ever.
16. Eliminate all trans-fats from your diet such as margarine and shortening—they MUST be removed from the diet.
17. Don’t avoid fat. Research shows that people with diets with 30 to 50 percent coming from smart fats have higher androgens and lower body fat.
18. Eat smart fat, favoring the omega-3 fats that come from fish and wild meats.
19. Take fish oil to boost omega-3 fat intake and ensure your omega-3 to omega-6 fat intake is balanced.
20. Eat a diet with high-quality protein—organic meats will provide the largest “bang for your buck” protein.
21. Eliminate wheat and avoid grains in favor of vegetables.
22. Raise resting metabolic rate (the amount of calories the body burns at rest) by eating a higher protein diet with 15 to 25 percent of the diet coming from high-quality protein.
23. Eliminate all high-glycemic carbs and eat only low-glycemic vegetables and berries.
24. Eat an antioxidant-rich diet to prevent inflammation, which leads to fat gain. Try kale, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, berries, pomegranates, and cherries.
25. Non-green veggies that help you lose fat are colored peppers, eggplant, garlic, onions, mushrooms, hearts of palm, spaghetti squash, and water chestnuts.
26. Drink a lot of water (at LEAST 3 liters a day) to stay hydrated and help detox the body.
27. Avoid alcohol, juice, soda, and sports drinks. Stick to water, tea, and coffee.
28. For a radical approach, eliminate all alcohol. If alcohol can’t be eliminated, Sardinian and Spanish red wines are the best worst option.
29. Try acupuncture—studies have shown it can aid in treating obesity.
30. Make sure your vitamin D level is over 40 ng/ml. Take vitamin D if not.
31. Take a probiotic to improve your gut health.
32. Make sure your magnesium level is up to par. Scientists suggest 500 mg of magnesium a day.
33. Take a liquid zinc test to see if you can taste zinc. If not, you are deficient and should take zinc to speed fat loss.
34. Don’t buy cheap, poor quality supplements because they will do more harm than good if they are tainted with heavy metals or pollutants.
35. Take B vitamins, especially if you eat a high-protein diet or take BCAAs because the extra amino acids take away from the pool of available B vitamins need for detox.
36. Drink coffee or take caffeine before workouts to increase fat burning and work capacity—research shows we will self-select heavier loads if we take caffeine before training.
37. Drink organic green tea to elevate fat burning and aid in detoxifying the body.
38. Take carnitine to help the body use fat for fuel and increase time to exhaustion when training hard.
39. Take the amino acid taurine because it lowers the stress hormone cortisol and helps the body digest fat.
40. Take R-form alpha lipoic acid because it supports detox and recovery from training.
41. Use the herb fenugreek with meals to improve insulin sensitivity and energy use.
42. Remove body piercings to lose fat fast, especially belly piercings.
43. Limit fructose in the diet because it gets in the way of losing belly fat.
44. Never eat fructose before workouts because it blunts fat burning and lowers metabolic rate.
45. Avoid milk before workouts because it is very “insulinotropic,” meaning it causes persistently high insulin levels that make you burn less energy.
46. Don’t drink caffeine after workouts because it may raise cortisol at the point where you need to clear it for the best fat-burning and recovery effect.
47. Eat high-quality protein for breakfast. Avoid cereal and all processed foods.
48. Eliminate all sugar from your diet. It’s way more trouble than it’s worth if you want to lose fat.
49. Make an effort to get enough sleep. An early-to-bed, early-to-rise sleep pattern has been shown to improve body composition.
50. Know that you have complete control over what you put in your mouth. No one ever ate anything by accident.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
It's time. Time to 收拾心情,上学去!
Changed my bag; from a playful one to a serious one.
That is basically what I have in my bag, so little things...
Not complicated at all.
It's time to focus on what I really want in the future.
越吻越伤心? 越问越伤心? 越望越伤心。。。
問你哪個配搭穿起使我最配襯 但你冷冷兩眼似看著無聊閒人
問你哪一齣好戲最近會令人提提神 但換來連場沉默如像跟我嬉笑不再吸引問你我喝醉了可不可對我吻吻 但你碰碰嘴角動作像撩撩途人
問你會否因工作太累兩目完全無神 而你似強制內心的抖震
*越吻越傷心 明明無餘地再過問 明明知道衷心一吻 會有更親厚質感
越吻越傷心 仍然糊塗是我過份 明明知道彼此不再情深 何必追問遠近
問你距我太遠可不可以坐更近 但你似聽見了某個極無聊奇聞
問你有否想起你我是哪樣成為情人 但換來連場沉默如像早覺得我不再吸引
問你那晚見我怎麼濕透了髮鬢 但你似覺得我問錯問題如傻人
問到你跟他相處背後那段纏綿傳聞 而你卻竊笑像偷偷興奮
Repeat *
越吻越傷心 明明無餘地再過問 明明知道衷心一吻 會有更親厚質感
越吻越傷心 仍然糊塗是我過份 明明知道彼此不再情深 無謂再三迫近
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