I got my hair-cut :( not a nice one but at least my front hair isn't bothering me anymore after five months of no-cut-hair in Melbourne.
I know people will laugh looking at my hair. To continue viewing my post, stop laughing.
.Go on,
.even me, myself also can't stop laughing.
Here you go. Let the picture do the talking.

I wasn't feeling that bad after the hair-cut. I feel I look cute instead. *self-praise
But but but Lai Wick Kee, the boyfriend says I look "geli" with the China Doll fridge. Obviously, he is stereotyping. Anti-Bang :(
Nevermind-nevermind, hair will grow right? At least I know this kind of fridge doesn't suit me :)
What I do the whole night consecutively? Surely "kaji" on my Apples lo.
Hello, welcome the 2nd & 3rd Apple products to my home.
"Me and my MacBook Air were made for each other"
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