I saw a FLYiNG LiTTLe LiZaRD just now!!!
Seriously, it flies...
It is a very tiny lizard like...
I don dare to take it's photo.
Then, I go & search for tiny lizard photo because I tempting to show ur how is it looks like but I failed to do so...
They look terribly geli!!!
Back to the topic...
At first, when I saw it, it was on the ceiling.
To be more precise...
It stays on the cornise->the plastic ceiling in between upper wall and ceiling.
Ok, fine...
U stays there & don come & kacau me!
When I came out from the toilet which is just right in front of my mirror.
I heard a small *bang* sound!
I saw it flew from the ceiling and stick to my mirror!!!
Goshh...It scares me terribly!!!
I quickly scream...for my rescue star, Kakak.
Of coz with my high pitch voice...
My kakak came in and give it a smack.
It dies.
Sorry for killing
Lizard for me is like Dinasour.
They are the most horrible creature in the world.
If it's not killed tonight, I gonna hv nightmare :(
Seriously, it flies...
It is a very tiny lizard like...
I don dare to take it's photo.
Then, I go & search for tiny lizard photo because I tempting to show ur how is it looks like but I failed to do so...
They look terribly geli!!!
Back to the topic...
At first, when I saw it, it was on the ceiling.
To be more precise...
It stays on the cornise->the plastic ceiling in between upper wall and ceiling.
Ok, fine...
U stays there & don come & kacau me!
When I came out from the toilet which is just right in front of my mirror.
I heard a small *bang* sound!
I saw it flew from the ceiling and stick to my mirror!!!
Goshh...It scares me terribly!!!
I quickly scream...for my rescue star, Kakak.
Of coz with my high pitch voice...
My kakak came in and give it a smack.
It dies.
Sorry for killing
Lizard for me is like Dinasour.
They are the most horrible creature in the world.
If it's not killed tonight, I gonna hv nightmare :(
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