This is the first Primary School Gathering that I went to past few weeks before.
Actually, there were some gathering that they organised last few years but I never even attend ONE!!!
I think this time I am the one who proposed that wanna have a gathering...
Because I met some of my primary school classmate at Facebook-->
like Jing Khaii, Jing Kiat and more...
Therefore, Jing Khaii volunteer to be the organiser of the gathering.
He is a good one and I hope that he can be the organiser all the time for our primary school gathering...
He actually make up his mind wanna make it at Kern Wen's house de but then Zhi Shan proposed that why don't do it at Station 1 Cafe?!
Miss a chance to go to the rich guy house and have a look @.@
Date: 25th of June 2009 (Thursday)
Venue: Station 1 Cafe
We have a good talk with classmate that we have never met since we graduated from primary school...
Talk about what a???
Ask about...
1) What is your name again a?
2) You are my class de meh? Why I don't know you de? Never see you before...
3) You studying or working?
4) Studying at where?
5) That college/Uni good meh?
6) What you studying? Majoring in what?
7) You working adi? Work as what?
8) How much is your salary per month?
This is most of the question I remember most people ask!
Alot of them are very ambitious lol...
If I am not mistaken, few of them planning to be a doctor @.@
This make me think of what I gonna be in the future?
I m BLURR #.#
What most impress is that...
Actually I heard that there are gathering every year but then this year is the year that most people attend!!!
20 plus if I am not mistaken...
Cool right?
Almost half of the class le eh @.@
The funniest thing is that when me and Shan reach there, we almost cannot find the table belongs to us...
Because we cannot recognise our friends anymore...
Most of them have change from their appearance.
and MORE
Perhaps... We are getting mature and mature le weih!!!
One more thing!!!
We find that most of the guys 'fat fok' le...
Even those who are really slim last time!!!
Why a?
Maybe 'hou sik hou zue' lo...
See Kar said: " Most of the guys in our class very rich de..."
Really de lo...
I found them have the rich guy' face...LOOK
Especially Kern Wen...

There are more... but then I miss out one of my best friends --> Ann Yuen

Middle one--> Jing Khaii, the organiser
& owner of a SLK
Another rich guy live near me de...
Another rich guy live near me de...

Our Monitor and his assistant still have good relationship...
By asking See Kar: " Last time you used to feel itchy de wo, now still have ma?"
Wow... Still remember
Ji Mui...
Randomly start to take photo...

Alex Hii and M3

Kern Wen and Jing Khaii's SLK
I love the day...
Feel so glad to meet you guys old friends again!
Hope can have this kind of gathering more frequent...
Oh ya... Seems like we go 'yam cha' again on last Friday only right?
I think we can keep this up... Keep in touch ALWAYS!
Keep mention about Kern Wen...
Because he want me to promote him to other girls perhaps in my blog.
I will charge you advertisement fees later...
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