Last friday is the happiest day for me since I broke up...
Is like long time didn't so so 're nao' le-->
I love noise...'re nao zhen hao' lo
AT LEAST, I won't feel lonely...
Nowadays, I really scare of being alone lol...
Cannot stand the feeling of lonesome...
Cannot sit still studying-->
Really cannot... Why a?
So moody...
Exam coming le...but don't have the feeling of studying
I think there is something wrong with me!
Since I cannot sit still study, I went out alone...
Go shopping alone...
Spent money, buy things alone...
But then...still not happy at all de?!
Today, I eat le 2 ice cream potong but still cannot happy back?!
Eat Eat Eat
I wanna get back NORMAL!!!
HOW a?
Just get these photo from Jia Ying...
We went a lot of places on Friday o...
Jia Ying came to my old house at 6 in the morning...
We are damn excited with our outing...
We start preparing in new house at 9 something-->
Make up
Bla Bla Bla...
Then go fetch my sister to Leisure Mall...
She wanna get contact lens.
Finally, my sister grown up le 'ai mei' le...haha
After that, wait for Shan to fetch us to Sungai Wang...
She just finish her exam...
Wait till 2 p.m., because she is also one 'mo mo' de...
GIRL ma...
So happy after reach there can meet my buddies in college...

I will FOLLOW you...
We shop alot lol
Buy things buy things...
Jia Ying says Malacca what also don't have...
KL better!
So, what we do are SHOP to our best @.@
I just remember I have a voucher to sing half an hour in the Greenbox I Capsule...
So...go for it!!!

After karaoke, continue shopping...
Dinner in Teppanyaki...
Sit down and chit chat since we long time didn't talk together le...
Suddenly, we don't feel like wanna sing k at night le because sing in the afternoon le ma somemore so expensive...
Sorry a Chee Hoe, suddenly cancel plan...
Don't blame me...
Sorry ^.^
We start to plan our night activities...
The best night activity that we 3 never try together before is club lo...
We have been wanting to go since form 5 le...
This is the TIME
So, I quickly call my cousin brother get prepared and bring us there...
This is the best chance ever because my parents and my little sis went Singapore for holiday le...

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