I am supposed to work on my both of my assignments {MKW1120 and ECW 1101} now de, but then nevermind lo...
BLOG a while la ^.^ because just finish reading someone's blog-->
I hope reading it can become my HABIT everyday...
Last yesterday night, never sleep lol-->
Doing what? Steal chicken???
Doing what I really like too but then very unhealthy de!!!
After attending ECW 1101 tutorial, went lunch with a gang of guys...
{Wick Kee, Jonathan, Wai Kien & Kok How}
Hope I spell their name correctly ^^
Sob Sob--> Cham le, seriously our gang all guys de only me 1 girl...if Kelly not around :(
Nevermind la, used to it le...
We always fight among ourselves-->
AND that is FUN!
Go Sunway Piramid for Pizza Hut...
I drive ^.^, luckily this time nothing happens...
After lunch, go shopping because Wick Kee say wanna change his style wo.
He bought 2 long sleeve shirts and 2 jeans for RM 300 plus ba.
Hey @.@, wear it on Monday a...
I wanna see... My taste
I think it will be very nice de!!!
After Sunway Piramid, fetch them back to Uni.
They still have class later-->
Me leh*.*
I jiu go to my favourite place.
"My Home"
Go take back my files, cardigan, long pants, and Money and Capital Market {AFW 1200} textbook which I left behind on Wednesday night.
Hmmm...Oya ^.^
Wednesday night is a wonderful night...
It makes me wanna sing this song--> Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling
It was Chia Lynn's birthday party...
Beside getting scolded from my mum, it was!!!
Kena scolded because always go out nowadays...until late at night
Must control control le...
Don't go out so much fot the sake of "next week"
For Chia Lynn's birthday party...
I have to wait until I got all the photo only blog...
Please..Please sent me photo as soon as possible
Today really not feeling well...
Thought of wanna wake up at 4 in the morning to do assignment de-->
However, can't WAKE!
My head was so so heavy today, and I feel my backbone really pain lo..
Vomit also...
Sorethroat plus got flame...
Don't known isit H1N1?!
Maybe is Chee Hoe pass it to me de?!
He is also very sick when I went to "My Home" yesterday...
Somemore I didn't sleep for the whole night...
Not defence for VIRUS le!!!
My mum wanna force me go for doctor later...
She say really scare I kena H1N1...
Cause I study Uni, many people will kena...
Later whole family kena quarantine because of me...
SobSOB :(
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