Sorry -->
Have been missing in action (MIA) for so long...
Neglected my 'bao bei' ->BLOG
because really busy currently.
Study study study
Have been missing in action (MIA) for so long...
Neglected my 'bao bei' ->BLOG
because really busy currently.
Study study study
Feeling some pressure from friends asking me to update.
David & Wil a?
Here update le o...
Don't say I not enough friend a ^.^
I have also uploaded some photos for the previous post.
Don't really remember what I have done for the past few weeks except for normal studies life.
Here is the photos in my handphone that I took...
I would explain from here lo, k?
Ohya...luckily I didn't went to Poppy on Friday night...
Because my mum ask us pack our things immediately on Saturday morning to go back hometown without informing de!
I hate this!!!
I still have assignment haven't finish de leh :(
What to do???
Last Sunday, I went to Pekan Nanas in Johor which are my uncle's place to attend a Malay wedding lunch.
My 3rd uncle from my mother side is a Muslim.
He married with a Malay woman.
The wedding lunch we are attending are actually his son that means my cousin brother's wedding.
The most silly thing is that my mum mark the wrong day.
The day we went was actually for the bridal side.
Therefore, my mother side family all are not going except for us...
Sorry to say that we are the only chineses there.
So, look abit weird.
Many people look at us as if we are very different.
In fact, we are-->
^.^ Fairer ma
My cousins look like those very typical Malay unlike those mixed blood de.
Thats why...
I feel like going there be a KULI la :(
Have to help carry a big big dulang...
Those aunty that supposed to carry take the light one
:( BULLIED us de
Me and my sis carring the dulang going to the bridal's house.
Ya, I cut it le
The day before we were at my grandmother's house.
My aunt also there ^.^
We went to Newton Hawker Centre for best MALACCA fooooods .
Titbit lai de
Someone steal one of it *.* Who?

AnGeLiNe recommend: Must try!!!
Sate Babi (Pork Satey)
Nice Nice Nice

Sob Sob--> after coming back from this so call TRIP
Still have to finish my assignment :(
Luckily, get it done in time.
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