Unlucky day, what can I say more? First day of period, taken two tablet of Panadol Menstrual; the aching still comes and goes once in awhile T.T Okay... At least period is a monthly routine for girls, every girl will encounter it; so not that bad. What worse still was THIS!

Guys, please remember this car - WTT 3012 Viva White. The car owner is such an asshole. She double-park next to me. What worst? Read on... Longkang and wall on my left, this car on my right, front and back with cars; they all blocking my way! I was on a rush to P1 Kiosk @ Sunway Piramid to settle the problem of my tenant's P1 modem adapter. My class finished at 3.45 PM and was in real hurry. You know the jam after five right? Reach my car at 3.50 PM and see CARS surrounding me and I've no way out. SHIT!! I went and look into every car to see if they left any contacts so that I can make a call. I couldn't contact this particular WTT 3012 at the first place. I managed to get the owner of the car behind this Viva which is an Toyota Unser to move his car. The Unser owner came within 5 minutes. (this supposed to be the way, don't you think so?) However, with him removing his car, I am still stuck-in-the-middle. I still have car in front, back and next to me. I planned to call this girl again. Know what? I saw a message in my phone as follow...

What's the point of leaving your contact if you not plan to come immediately after getting a call? That's totally defeat the purpose of it. The so called "asshole" asked if I'm on hurry??? Can I wait for a 10 minutes?????? WTF If I'm not on hurry, why would I call her at the first place? Is she dumb and sense non of my angry tone? I felt fire burning on top of my head after reading the text. I called her again, stressed that I'm rushing with "don't play-play" tone. She replied OK and off it. I waited and waited, 15 minutes altogether; until the Myvi car owner behind me came and see me scolding on the phone. She informed me that she's leaving and finally I'm out of trap. My anger was actually faded subsequently until I received the bitch's message again. Saying she is being considerate for apologizing and blaming me for not inform her by texting that I'm out. Eh... Hello, what is the meaning of considerate.?According to my understanding, that means not bringing trouble to anyone. Not that with a "sorry", you are considerate. Have you heard of "Sorry no police"? This is what I learn from primary school kids. -.-" (sorry for the lame joke, just wanna calm myself down with it)
I admit that I'm rather rough with the message I've replied but "period", you know, MOOD SWING. But there are other external factors affecting me as well, see... Battery low as 1%, how can I talk nicely then?