See his post...
Last Thursday, 23/4/09...
Was a memorable outing lol!
The night before I don't sleep well.
If I am not mistaken, I sleep for one hour only...
The next day for sure very tired...
After the morning lecture (AFW 1000), I have 5 hours long break before the ECW 1001 tutorial.
Since I am damn tired, the first thing I think of sure is wanna sleep then.
But where to sleep? I used to sleep in library but its not that comfortable...
I want a bed, however if I drive back it will be time and money consuming so-->
I think of a place...
My buddy hostel, Jo Jin de room...
Because during foundation, if we have long break sure go there chat then nap de...
MISS her room!
Therefore, I called them...( Jo Jin, Chia Lynn...)
They asked me to go find them...wei le sleep I sure go de.
Reached SS 15 at 11 like that, they asked me to sneak into their lecture hall because they are having lecture until 12 noon.
I thought I am just going in to take the key and go to sleep but I ended up sitting there until 12 listening to the lecture...
Haha... Luckily, no one realise I am outsider!
Actually, they are people who know that, all my long time no see friends...
But they all just eagerly to ask me join them...
Nevermind la, I also USED TO be Taylor's student ma...
I realise that they were same like us in Monash...
Mostly not paying attention in lecture de...
What they do were chatting, sleepping, we were playing with my Chia Lynn's new i pod TOUCH...
Games, songs, pictures till the end of the lecture...
Hah, still they don't let me sleep... I end up didn't get any rest but more restless.
They 'ajak' go lunch together...
We spent 2 hours sitting down-->have lunch and chit chat.
They planned to celebrate Chee Hoe's birthday again...
Chee Hoe really 'xin fu', people celebrate his birthday so many time...
That day already go clubbing le... Today, still got dinner.
Haha... Nice person sure lots of friends de!
We planned to eat in Korean Food above Mc Donald in SS 15.
At 2p.m., Chia Lynn and I go back to Uni for tutorial classes while the rest go Sunway Piramid to buy present for the birthday BOY.
Unfortunately, after I reached Uni... Only I know that the tutorial class have been canceled.
Too bad... I should have follow them to Sunway-->Skip class
THEN...go join them back and meet up to have out dinner.
@.@ can keep on refill de o...
'Pai seh', I think this is the first time I go for Korean food.

His cake is nice o... We almost get fight to eat it@.@
Saw the shirt Noob Zai wearing? Is the gift from us
Thank you anyway...Babi Hoe for the dinner you treated us.
By the quite 'dai sek' worth to eat lo because only RM 88 for six person o.
KOREAN food WO!!!
If I go out right, sure don't wanna go home so early one...
Then, we girls keep on planning for night activities...
We planned to go see David play pool... Since nowadays, he is damn ADDICTED to it!
Babi Hoe 'ben lai' don't wanna go de...complained smoky inside Club 9 wo!
After all, get scolded from girls then jiu followed also la...
Just joking la
Wow... I realise guys know how to play pool really yeng one de...
Like David, he is a typical 'niang niang qiang' de ...
We called him 'Na Pek' turned out to be so macho so man when I saw him playing pool...
Chee Hoe also lol... A 'Gou Sao'
Haha, we girls don't know how to play de...
Just go there learn learn lo...
Learn something NEW...
We say GOODBYE at 8 something at night...
Feeling 'bu she de' lo... They are having their mid-semester break next week.
Maybe will have a period of time cannot meet de lo...
All getting so busy!
I really looking forward for the next time we gather... Plan for IT k?
Will upload more photos of this soon, after Chia Lynn burn a free of charge (FOC) CD for me cause the file is too too too big le...
Miss you guys @.@
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