I just copy these photo from Benjamin's blog.
Hope he don't mind "."

Just trying to recall what happened yesterday... Hahaha
Its fun last night...
Its fun last night...
Thursday, 9/4/09
Em... Same normal day...
Last night sleep at 2 a.m., feeling eagerly to do AFW 1000 -Accounting revision.
Before sleep, Shan still sms me and say she is too excited wanna go club with me tommorow and can't fall asleep.
Haha, she is a cute and funny girl.
I overslept and skip the morning 9 o'clock AFW 1000 lecture.
Wake at 10.30 then go Uni.
After reached, friend straight away ask for lunch.
I ask mai the 'ngam ngam cham cham' de Johnathan go together.
Go for lunch with Brian and Christine, a Hong Kong mixed with Malaysia girl...
She is kinda beauty, 20, but smoking... Still a nice and friendly girl la
From there...I know Brian also a smoker.
Brian is really bias, keep talking with Christine until like both of us are transparent one.
Haiz... What to do 'leng lui' got such 'mei li' de.
Johnathan said: "Angeline, next time you are going to eat with them don't ever ask me together!!!"
Sure with anger tone, we were like 'dap toi' de. Haha strangers sitting togehter and talk differently.
Luckily, Christine still keep us company...
After thet ECW 1001 - Introductory Microeconomics lecture plus tutorial class.
For that momment, time seems like passes slowly...
Can't wait to go out at night...
After class at 4.30 p.m., I straight away go shan house to bath and prepare everythings...
We 2 mange to 'gao tim' everything at 6.30 p.m...
For us, is consider fast lol...including bathing, drying up hair, trying clothes, make up, and what so ever...
What we do then is to wait Dickson to fetch us...
Then is Benjamin at his house and Yuki at Tasik Selatan LRT Station...
After all, go Sunway Piramid for dinner...Kim Gary...
Me and Shan at Kim Gary
What I do is I accidently delete dao all the photo...
Only left this which Shan sent to me and its in phone folder@.@ stupid hand I have
We, girls go toilet alot to take pictures lol...
Hahaha Benjamin and Dickson 'paling' not gentlemen de...
They 2 just walk away to MOS without paying their dinner bill...
Somemore ask we girls to pay first o...and later only pay back
Luckily, Wei Yi geng scold until they 2 come back and pay for their bill and walk us there...
You two 'fang xin' we girls to walk to MOS meh???
You guys really have to learn to be more gentlemen le...
We drive to MOS with Wei Yi car... Myvi with 7 people
Pack one... Somemore got little cockcroach o
Frighten all the girls le...
Wei Yi, time to clean your car le...haha make all the bear bear bath ba @.@
10 something wait for everyone and go in together...
Nothing much... Drink and Dance
Chew Win really geng lol...so sexy Then go out at 2 a.m. ba...
They all say I am drunk but I am actually not...
Still wanna bluff me with stupid questions like 1+1=, 2+2=, Dickson claimed he is Benjamin all those... Stupid questions
Hahaha Benjamin and Dickson 'paling' not gentlemen de...
They 2 just walk away to MOS without paying their dinner bill...
Somemore ask we girls to pay first o...and later only pay back
Luckily, Wei Yi geng scold until they 2 come back and pay for their bill and walk us there...
You two 'fang xin' we girls to walk to MOS meh???
You guys really have to learn to be more gentlemen le...
We drive to MOS with Wei Yi car... Myvi with 7 people
Pack one... Somemore got little cockcroach o
Frighten all the girls le...
Wei Yi, time to clean your car le...haha make all the bear bear bath ba @.@
10 something wait for everyone and go in together...
Nothing much... Drink and Dance
Chew Win really geng lol...so sexy Then go out at 2 a.m. ba...
They all say I am drunk but I am actually not...
Still wanna bluff me with stupid questions like 1+1=, 2+2=, Dickson claimed he is Benjamin all those... Stupid questions
The worst I saw is Chuah Hunt de vomit all over the exit and he is lying on what he vomit...
Honestly speaking, he is totally drunk and that is call DRUNK and I am not...
He is very smelly o...haha when get close to him...
Somemore he knocks his head until have to stiched it in hospital...
The problem with him now is that he also don't know how he hurt his head...
Funny... Yao Yang also vomit...
I saw everyone also like blur blur jiang, they all drink too much le la...
Then jiu go home le...Dickson fetch me back and reached home about 3 a.m.
First time go back so late at night but my parents say nothing...
Weird though but good for me...
Maybe I really grown up le.
After a night of happinest, have to start suffer le...
I have alcohol allergy, all the itchy itchy rashes is coming out...
I think need few weeks to recover then...
What to do...bear with it
I didn't sleep well that night also.
Suspecting am I home? Or still at outside...
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